Self-Checks and Challenges
to Grow in The Faith

Growing in the Christian faith involves more than simply holding beliefs; it requires ongoing self-reflection and purposeful action. Here are some key principles and practical steps to help deepen your walk with God and grow spiritually.

1. Aligning with God's Guidance

God's direction in your life always has a purpose. He will either lead you inward to correct an error, perhaps from the past, or outward to engage in kingdom work - whether through His word, the church, or prayer. If any of this feels unfamiliar or distant, it may be a sign that you are not consistently following His lead.

Think of God's guidance as a compass. If you find yourself off course, it’s time to recalibrate. As John 3:30 states, "He must increase, but I must decrease." The more you align with God's direction, the clearer your path becomes.

2. Growing Through the "Good Word" and Action

Becoming a mature and established Christian requires more than belief alone. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:17, you are to "comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work." This means that spiritual growth involves two essential components:

  • Nurturing Through Learning: Quality teaching, preaching, and reading of Scripture fall under the 'good word' category, which helps build a strong foundation.

  • Growth Through Action: It is equally important to put your faith into practice by doing good deeds and engaging in kingdom work, such as evangelism. Both learning and doing are essential for spiritual growth.

Think of this as constructing a house. The teachings and Scripture are the foundation that anchors you, while the actions you take are the bricks and mortar that solidify your faith.

3. Co-Laboring with God

2 Corinthians 3:9 calls us co-laborers with God, describing us as His field and His building. In this relationship, God is both working with us and on us.

Picture yourself as a garden being tended and a 'fixer-upper' constantly under renovation. As you work with God to grow spiritually, He is also refining and renewing you from the inside out.

4. Humility and Seeking God's Presence

2 Chronicles 7:14 offers a call to action: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven." To apply this personally:

  • Reflect on how you can humble yourself.

  • Consider the depth and sincerity of your prayers for your nation or other countries.

  • Seek God's face actively. Like David in Psalm 139:23-24, ask God to search your heart and reveal any wicked ways.

  • Challenge: Inspired by 2 Chronicles 7:15, spend an hour in your church alone worshiping and in prayer to the Lord.

5. Using Your Testimony as a Weapon

Revelation 12:11 emphasizes the power of your testimony against the evil one. Learning to share your story aloud is crucial for spiritual growth.

  • Action Steps:

    • Practice sharing your testimony.

    • Encourage others to share theirs.

    • Be prepared to guide someone to Christ, as many may not even realize they are unsaved.

6. Developing Spiritual Intimacy

Present yourself regularly before the Lord in your devotions, as Romans 12:1-2 teaches. This involves not just reading and worshiping, but also changing the way you think.

  • Practical Steps:

    • Meditate on Scriptures like 1 John 3:2-3, which remind us of our identity in Christ and our future hope.

    • Read hymns and Psalms aloud, sharing the answered prayers and lessons learned with God.

    • Speak to God with gratitude, as a child to a loving Father.

7. Praying for Others and Yourself

  • Regularly pray for your pastor, friends, and family.

  • Ask for spiritual awakening and the salvation of souls.

  • Dive deeper into studying the Bible, exploring the meaning behind each word.

  • Memorize Scripture to fortify your mind. See 2 Cor 10:3-6

8. Engaging in Kingdom Community

Spiritual growth also involves supporting and engaging with your community. Here are some ways to connect:

  • Take Your Pastor to Lunch: Ask for his perspective on current events or matters of the kingdom. As Ephesians 6:19 suggests, pray for his boldness. If you’re a woman, consider inviting his wife.

  • Invite a New Family Over for Dinner: Building relationships outside of formal church gatherings is key to fostering a strong community.

  • Get Involved in Spiritual Warfare: Whether on the front lines or praying for those who are, both roles are essential. Keep 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 in mind as you do.

  • Mentor or Support Others: Spend time outside of church with someone from a different generation and the same gender. You may find opportunities to be a mentor or help in some meaningful way.

9. Final Encouragement

Growth in the faith is a lifelong journey, with many opportunities for self-checks and challenges. Regularly assess your spiritual life and take actionable steps to draw closer to God. As you do, remember that He is not only leading you but also refining you, molding you into the person He has called you to be.

Additional Resource links:

Steps of Growth in a Christian (Layman)

Steps of Growth in a Christian (Pastor)


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